4 February 2011

League of Legends Patch Notes v1.0.0.110 Overview

Hi again guys welcome to my patch overview, a little something I'm gonna be doing every couple of weeks as the patches are released. Those of you who play League of Legends will know how important the patches are as they tweak so many vital aspects of the game. Without futher adue, here they are with my analysis.

League of Legends v1.0.0.110

Karma, the Enlightened One
  • Heavenly Wave: Karma sends forth hidden blades from her fans, dealing magic damage to units in a cone in front of her. Mantra Bonus: In addition to dealing damage to enemies, Heavenly Wave will also heal allies in the cone based on a % of their missing life.
  • Spirit Bond: Karma bonds an ally or enemy creating a beam between them. Allied anchors have increased movement speed and enemy anchors have reduced movement speed. Enemy units that come in contact with the beam take magic damage. Karma strengthens the bond to double the effect of the movement speed modifier.
  • Soul Shield: Karma summons a protective shield that absorbs incoming damage. Mantra Bonus: In addition to casting the shield, energy radiates out from the shield dealing damage to enemy units around Karma's target.
  • Mantra: Karma empowers her next ability to do an additional effect. Mantra is available at level 1 and does not require a skill point.
  • Inner Flame (passive): Karma gains increased Ability Power corresponding to her % of missing Health.

So far Karma looks like a great champion, maybe a little too powerful. I really like what they've done with her design for two reasons. Firstly, via use of abilities such as Spirit Bond they've made a support champion that requires skill to play, which is quite difficult. Also, because of the Mantra system, while her concept is very simple she has a second layer of depth that provides a level of choice good players can take advantage of. It's quite comparable to Renekton's fury system in how it achieves this. Her only problem is for a champion that has so much support utility she really does a lot of damage, a bit like Sona when she came out.

  • Twin Disciplines no longer deals bonus damage to towers

Slight nerf but I imagine this was unintentional anyway. Akali should have Sheen/Lich Bane for taking towers anyway.

  • Twin Fang range increased to 700 from 675

You know I used to feel that Cassiopeia was a useless champion but boy have I seen some do a lot of damage recently. It's only a small buff but they're trying to draw attention to what I've now come to realise is quite an underrated champion.

  • Rising Spell Force now has a particle to indicate the amount of stacks
  • Fixed a tooltip bug that stated Ezreal was gaining 15% per stack instead of 10%
  • Fixed a bug where some of Ezreal's spells were displaying incorrect text on cast

Just graphical update and bugfixes. 

  • Resolute Smite's area of effect size and projectile speed have been increased slightly

Slight buff, but he probably needs more than this. Don't be fooled, his ultimate is still an absolute killer, but since his nerf hes just become a flying R button.

  • Fixed a bug where Barrel Roll was not properly drawing aggro from towers and monsters


  • Fixed a bug where Jax would lose health while leveling in some instances


  • Death Lotus
    • Base Damage per dagger increased to 50/65/80 from 40/50/60
    • Ability power ratio reduced to .25 from .3
    • Attack damage ratio reduced to .5 from .55

As an avid Kat player I was horrified when I heard they were changing Death Lotus, but I'm ok with this. Slight early game buff, slight late game nerf. I still believe they need to reduce the ultimate's channel time, maybe nerf it's damage a bit, and buff Bouncing Blades' base damage.

Miss Fortune
  • Fixed a bug where Strut sometimes wouldn't show a particle while active
  • Fixed a bug with Bullet Time where it would occasionally scale off of ability power instead of attack damage even though attack damage provided slightly more overall damage


  • Fixed a bug with Iron Man where the tooltip said it had 5% decay but was actually 3%
  • Shield generation increased to 25/27.5/30% from 20/25/30%

Only a small buff to his shield but one that he needed. Seems a little odd that they wrecked his shield and are now slowly putting it back the way it was. It really cries of a reactionary change made with little testing. However I mock those who think Mord is useless now. Even at his most nerfed I was still wrecking with him, I might write a guide on him one day. It's just a matter of build.

As a short little piece of advice for now I build either Boots of Swiftness or Mercury Treads depending on the situation. Then I build a Giant's Belt followed by two defense items, usually Thornmail and Force of Nature unless they are all AD or all AP.  Giant's Belt is then upgraded to Rylai's Crystal Scepter, followed by a Frozen Mallet, and finally a Guardian Angel. Recently I've been experimenting with Leviathan seeing as I always seem to get a lot of kills but it hasn't been too successful.

  • Fixed a bug where Undertow could not deal damage to the same target within 1 second of the previous hit


  • Powerball slow duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4
  • Powerball slow percent reduced to 20/25/30/35/40 from 28/36/44/52/60

Somewhat necessary. It won't make a difference a lot of the time as he'll taunt you at the end, but for when you weren't being taunted it really was quite a powerful slow.

  • Cull the Meek
    • Cooldown changed to 8 seconds from 12/11/10/9/8
    • Base damage increased to 60/90/120/150/180 from 40/70/100/130/160
    • Attack Damage ratio increased to 0.8 from 0.6
    • Healing reduced to 7.5% from 15% (Fury-enhanced heal unaffected)
    • Champion healing increased to 4x from 3x
  • Ruthless Predator cooldown reduced to 13/12/11/10/9 from 14/13/12/11/10
  • Slice and Dice armor reduction changed to 15/17.5/20/22.5/25% from 10/15/20/25/30
  • General
    • Health per level increased to 87 from 82
    • Base health increased to 513 from 508
    • Armor per level increased to 3.8 from 3.2
    • Base armor increased to 19 from 17.2
  • Fixed a bug where Renekton was gaining bonus attack damage while wounded

Massive, massive early game buff and slightly late game buff. The change to Slice and Dice makes him a bit worse at killing squishies but a lot better at killing tanks. I still really like his design, but they may have taken it a bit too far in buffing him, as he was only a little way off being good.

  • Fixed a bug where Deceive could be dodged


  • Astral Blessing
    • Base heal changed to 60/120/180/240/300 from 80/130/180/230/280
    • Ability power ratio reduced to 0.9 from 1
    • Buff duration reduced to 4 from 9
    • Armor buff increased to 20/35/50/65/80 from 15/20/25/30/35
  • Removed Innervating Locket from her tips

Some people have complained about 'nerfing' Soraka this patch. To those people, what are you smoking!?!?!? 35 to 80 armour, thats HUGE! Yes it's only 4 seconds now, but thats almost a free Thornmail in terms of armour for what could be a vital 4 seconds. Combined with the heal  that could get you out of almost anything. Think about when your saving someone, they very rarely need more than 4 seconds to escape. If they do, their probably dead anyway.

  • Move Quick - Ability Rework
    • Passive - Now grants 10/15/20/25/30% increased movement speed until struck by a champion or turret
    • Active - Teemo gains double his passive move speed for 4 seconds. This bonus is not lost on hit

Nice idea, but I'm really not looking foward to more Teemo harassment. I hate the annoying little bugger.

  • Sanguine Pool
    • Slow percentage reduced to 40% from 50%
    • Slow duration reduced to 1 second from 1.5 seconds
  • Tides of Blood health cost reduced to 30/40/50/60/70 from 30/45/60/75/90
  • Fixed a bug where Vladimir would lose health when leveling in some instances

Vladimir is NOT OP. This is the main issue that seems to be plaguing LoL at the moment. Hes very annoying to play against, but really not overpowered. Hes impossible to harass, but doesn't do that much damage and can be countered with intelligent play. Don't forget if you have someone with healing reduction like Miss Fortune or Katarina put them in the lane against him. I think these changes were fair enough. Tides of Blood really is crippling if Vlad's use it at all early game. He probably won't be a positive prt of the game until a total rework.

  • Boots of Speed now shows Ionian Boots of Lucidity as a build option instead of Ninja Tabi
  • Doran's Shield
    • Cost increased to 475 from 435
    • Armor increased to 9 from 8
    • Health regen per 5 seconds increased to 10 from 8
  • Doran's Blade
    • Cost increased to 475 from 435
    • Damage increased to 9 from 8
  • Doran's Ring
    • Cost increased to 475 from 435
    • Mana regen per 5 seconds increased to 5 from 4
  • Last Whisper cost increased to 2290 from 2090
  • Fixed a bug with Lich Bane where the cost was inadvertently increased and the mana gain lowered
  • Rabadon's Deathcap cost increased to 3600 from 3400

Huge changes. Lets get the smaller ones out the way. Last Whisper and Deathcap both deserved it, both were way too good for how much they cost. The boots display change fair enough. Now for the Dorans' items......wait for it........these changes are......BRILLIANT! Think for a second, before you cry about how the item you always take now is no longer the obvious choice. Surely that's a good thing. Players now have so much more choice, there is no obvious starting item, opening up so many more strategic avenues. You can go for Dorans' for early game dominance but now their not as good it might set you behind compared to other people leaping straight into their builds. Dorans' items also give you less health than a potion heals. They are still viable, just not the obvious item for everyone to get at the start.

Summoner Spells
  • Rally
    • Fixed a bug where Rally provided ability power whether or not you had the mastery
    • Fixed a bug where Rally was granting less ability power and attack damage than it stated
    • Each unit now gains ability power and attack damage based on the caster's level, rather than each individual unit's level

Hasn't really changed much, still never going to be used.

  • Strength of Spirit mana to health regeneration converted reduced by about 33% and clarified the tooltip to show that it was regeneration per 5 seconds
  • Meditation mana regeneration reduced by 40%
  • Veteran's Scars health reduced to 12/24/36/48 from 15/30/45/60

In line with the rune changes about to follow, and I'll deal with the underlying more then. They are trying to promote more action early game, although whether this leads to more aggression or more defense due to less health is unclear.

  • Clarity Runes reduced in effectiveness by about 33%
  • Quintessences of Fortitude reduced in effectiveness by about 20%

A lot of people are going crazy over this, but they seem to have entirely misread what's happening. Underneath it explains how base mana regen is going up. With this, people using mana regen runes actually are not really affected much, it's a tiny nerf if you use regen seals and glyphs. It's more like a buff to characters who don't use mana regen runes than a nerf, and this is fine really. A lot of carries etc had to take mana regen runes which just seemed out of place.

  • Fixed several spells that did not preload properly, causing a delay the first time used in game
  • Adjusted many champions' PVP.net attack, defense, spell, and difficulty ratings
  • Removed many PVP.net tags (like heal, stun, and pet) and made the remaining tags more accurate
  • Updated many Champion's recommended item lists
  • All Champions with mana had their base mana regeneration increased by 2.5 mana per 5 seconds and mana regeneration per 5 seconds per level increased by 0.2
  • Dragon is now immune to disables
I've covered the whole base mana regen issue just above. The other changes are nice enough, I haven't really seen the new recommended items so I can't really comment, I'll have faith in Guinsoo that he knows what items are good on who. The big one here is the change to dragon. It doesn't seem like much, but I believe it means Blitzcrank can't pull him anymore, which was a unique selling point of Blitzcrank. I haven't confirmed this yet, but I'm pretty sure, and if so it's something of an indirect nerf.

Thanks for reading guys, I'll be back with with this when the next patch is out. Meanwhile we can be looking foward to Moakai and Jarvan IV!

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