29 January 2011

League of Legends: Karma Abilities Revealed


Inner Flame (Passive): Karma gains increased Ability Power corresponding to her missing Health.

Heavenly Wave: Karma sends forth a wave of hidden blades from her fans, dealing magic damage to units in a cone in front of her.
  • Mantra Bonus: In addition to dealing damage to enemies, Heavenly Wave will also heal allies in the cone. The amount healed is amplified depending upon the amount of life Karma, or her allies are missing
Spirit Bond: Karma bonds an ally or enemy creating a beam between them. Bonded allies have increased movement speed and bonded enemies have reduced movement speed. Enemy units that come in contact with the beam take magic damage, and champions who pass through the beam receive the same movement speed modifier as bonded champions.
  • Mantra Bonus: Karma imbues the beam to grant bonus movement speed to any ally that passes through the beam. Any enemy that passes through the beam suffers reduced movement speedKarma strengthens the bond to double the effect of the movement speed modifier.
Soul Shield: Karma summons a protective shield that absorbs incoming damage.
  • Mantra Bonus: In addition to the shield, energy radiates out from the shield, dealing damage to enemy units around the recipient.
Mantra (Ultimate): Karma empowers her next ability to do an additional effect. Mantra is available at level 1 and does not require a skill point.

28 January 2011

Music Review: myGRAIN - myGRAIN (2011)


Genre: Melodic Death Metal

Track List:
1. Into the Parallel Universe (5:33)
2. Shadow People (4:29)
3. Dust Devils and Cosmic Storms (4:51)
4. Of Immortal Aeons (5:40)
5. A Clockwork Apocalypse (6:18)
6. Eye of the Void (5:20)
7. Trapped in an Hourglass (5:51)
8. Xenomorphic (6:07)
9. Cataclysm Child (6:36)


MyGRAIN are a little known Finnish band that, with the coming of their new self-titled album, have really attempted to break into the scene this time around. I have been a fan of them already for many years, their first album 'Orbit Dance' is my favourite debut album ever, and one of my favourite overall albums. Despite their high quality work, recognition has not really been forthcoming, which is unusual considering they are signed under the metal-giants Spinefarm. This time Spinefarm have pushed the boat out, with myGRAIN's first ever video single 'Of Immortal Aeons' released and another for 'A Clockwork Apocalypse' in the pipeline. They have shot for the big time, and so this album could really prove make or break for the band, so what kind of sound can you expect?

MyGRAIN's usage of keyboards, played by the very talented Eve, is one thing that really differentiates them from the masses of other bands. Rather than the blitzing solos of Janne Wirman from Children of Bodom, Eve's style is more rhythmic and melodious. The progression of Eve's keyboard style is the main thing changing with each successive album. In 'Orbit Dance' it was very much in the background providing a subtle layer of atmosphere, but has steadily taken more of a front seat each time round. Tommy's vocals remain at his consistent high level, switching effortlessly from fearsome roars to soft melodies. Despite gaining a new lead guitar in the form of Mr Downhill, the fast paced and powerful riffing has changed little, bar the addition of a few solos which were previously lacking.


Lets start with 'Of Immortal Aeons', the first ever video single from the band. The more prevailant keyboard is immediately obvious but after a great build up involving some pounding rhythm guitar it is let down slightly when the vocals kick in, with a fairly poor drum sequence providing minor background irritance. This 'fast drumming' can be viewed at just after 0:40 on the video below and appears a few times throughout the song. I think it sounds really quite unprofessional when I hear it in songs, but on this album this is the only song it appears noticably in. Brushing this critisism aside the cleanly sung chorus is both catchy and haunting, and overall the song's quality is such that it remains good despite doing something that I personally dislike a lot. I really found with this song in particular that it took multiple playthroughs to start appreciating it.

I believe the standout song is the introductory track 'Into the Parallel Universe'. Appropriately it is the beginning of this track that really shines - the quiet, acoustic beginning leading into a blazing combo of guitar and keyboard that really is breathtaking. The structure of the song is based around it's strong chorus, with the one flaw being it's length. The band mentioned prior to this album's release that they were looking to universally increase the length of their songs, however I don't feel it has worked. Almost every song on the album feels worse from being dragged out slightly too long, especially tracks like 'A Clockwork Apocalypse' and 'Cataclym Child'. These two are some of the better songs on the album, the former having strong rhythm guitar throughout and the latter leaning heavily upon it's fairly good chorus, a trait it shares with 'Dust Devils and Cosmic Storms'.

The two worst tracks on the album are easily 'Eye of the Void' and 'Xenomorphic'. 'Xenomorphic' goes through phases, some segments of the song feel very poorly constructed but some are actually really quite good, such as the section just after the introduction (which includes, unfortunately, more fast drumming). It rapidly interweaves very soft and heavy sections, which some of the best songs I can think of do, but 'Xenomorphic' does it poorly indeed, leading to something that just feels totally unstructured. 'Eye of the Void' is merely a completely forgettable song, with almost nothing to make it stand out aside from a chorus where Tommy's voice seems to take a bizarre turn towards becoming uncomfortably high pitched.


I really, really wanted this album to be amazing. For me, myGRAIN utterly deserves it's break, but this is just not the best example of their work. To be fair I feel they had a massive amount of work to do in order to top 'Orbit Dance' but this doesn't stop me being ultimately disappointed. The music feels like it is reaching for an over-arching tone of the dramatic yet never quite makes it. Some consistent critisisms are the length of the tracks and the fact that most of the songs are fairly forgettable, with 'Eye of the Void' best embodying this.

I mentioned earlier how the involvement of the keyboard had changed, and I feel this is an issue that needs to be addressed. For me, a huge reason why 'Orbit Dance' was so great, was Eve's keyboard. It featured less in 'Orbit Dance' than either of the other two albums, yet achieved the most prominent effect, providing some really powerful moments. In this latest album, I actually still feel it is fantastically played, and is integral in almost all the album's best moments, but I preferred the style of it's predecessor. The album is by no means bad, I feel it is slightly better than 'Signs of Existence', but when trying to make that leap towards becoming a major band they really needed to be at their very best. When I think about it, every member bar maybe the drums performs very well, so I think it is more a case of structure. This can be changed and improved, so I have hope yet. I implore you to have a listen, and have faith in them so that they can achieve the status I feel they deserve.

Score: 7/10

26 January 2011

First Game Review!

It's going to be Dead Space 2, and hopefully will be within a few days. Theres also going to be some music stuff on here shortly as well to make up for the rather distinct bias towards gaming so far, stay tuned.

League of Legends Champion Sneak Peek

Karma, the Enlightened One is the latest champion due to be released in League of Legends. She'll probably be released in the next patch tuesday (for America) or wednesday (for Europe). Information that we have on her suggests she'll be 3150 IP.

To me she looks like a support champion, and to be honest I think she looks a little lame. She won't necessarily be a bad character in game, obviously looks have no impact on that, but shes just a bit plain and boring. Mind you, there are some insane people out there who looked at the entire list of LoL champions, saw Teemo, and thought 'yes, yes that is the little bastard for me.'

Courtesy of the League of Legends site.

25 January 2011

News on the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

More information has emerged on Skyrim’s enhanced combat system. Whether you want to be a warrior, a mage, or a distant assassin, enhancements have been made to make combat feel more brutal and decisive. Read on for more information on dual wielding, magic inspired by Bioshock’s plasmids and deadly ranged weapons.

Weapons and spells can be equipped to each hand in any combination. This means you can roll with a pair of blades, a sword and shield, or even two spells at the same time. A quick select menu lets you organise shortcut keys to different weapon loadouts. Here’s a summary of the improvements to each combat style.

  • The animation system now uses Havok physics behaviour. It will be possible to throw your enemies off balance and strike for extra damage.
  • Finishing moves dispatch enemies in different ways depending on the enemy and the weapon equipped.
  • It’s possible to specialise in different weapons, including swords, shields, maces, axes and two-handed weapons. Specialising in weapons unlocks perks that add damage bonuses. These vary from weapon to weapon. Swords have an increased chance of landing a critical hit, axes cause ongoing bleeding damage and maces can smash right through enemy armour bonuses.
  • Blocking now relies on a timing-based system, meaning it won’t be possible to continuously hide behind a shield. Shields can be used offensively as well. The new shield bash manoeuvre can throw an enemy off balance, opening them up for a counter strike.
  • Shields have their own series of unlockable perks which can grant additional elemental protection.
  • Movement backwards is much slower than Oblivion to make escaping combat more difficult.

  • The developers took inspiration from the impact of Bioshock’s plasmid abilities.
  • There are five schools of magic – destruction, restoration, illusion, alteration, and conjuration. There are 85 spells in total to choose from.
  • Mysticism is gone. Game Director Todd Howard tells Game Informer why. “It always felt like the magical school of mysticism – isn’t that redundant?” The spells that were formerly part of the Mysticism have been merged with the other magic schools.
  • While you can only equip one spell to each hand, each spell can be used in a number of ways. A fireball spell can be turned into a flamethrower with an extended button press, or planted on the ground as a proximity bomb. It’s possible to dual wield the same spell for massive damage.
  • It’s possible to dual wield weapons in different hands. Bethesda are considering adding an ability to combine different spells to make new ones.
  • Attacking spells inflict secondary effects on their victims. Fire does the most damage, while lightning spells deplete enemy magicka. Ice spells slow enemies down.

Ranged combat and stealth
  • It now takes longer to string and fire arrows, but shots will do a lot more damage than they did in Oblivion. The developers decided to allow ranged weapons to become powerful enough to kill outright after playing an Oblivion mod that made a similar change.
  • Arrows will be a more precious commodity, thanks to their increased usefulness.
  • If enemies get too close, a bash move can be used to get distance.
  • As in Oblivion, you can zoom in on your target with a bow. The longer you stay zoomed in, the more damage the shot will do.
  • Stealth will work in a similar way to Oblivion, but enemies will go into a new alerted state when you are detected. During this time characters with a high level of stealth ability will be able to duck out of sight and avoid being attacked.
  • The knife has been hugely improved. Backstabbing from an undetected position currently does 10 times the damage of a normal attack. Howard says ““I don’t know if we’re going to keep that, but you feel like you should be killing the guy if you’ve gotten that close and you have a dagger.”

As well as the traditional modes of combat, a new Shout ability has been added. As a Dragonborn, your character will have access to a selection of war cries. Your competence with these abilities won’t rely on your spellcasting ability, they’re separate attacks. The two shouts mentioned so far include the ability to slow time and a skill that lets you call on a dragon to aid you in battle.

Story taken from PC Gamer and originated from Game Informer.

24 January 2011

League of Legends - Katarina Guide

As part of my ongoing attempts to cater to both the new and experienced gamers, here is my guide to the League of Legends champion Katarina. It's got all the basics on laning and skills if your unfamiliar with her, and some serious theorycrafting if you know your stuff and want the truth in pure numbers about how to build her. Please check it out


Thoughts on what drives multiplayer gaming

We've all been there. Every one of us has looked down the scope, lined up the shot, pulled the trigger and let out an ululating roar as your bullet contrives to defy gravity and your opponent slips away into the night. We've all missed that open goal, let go of the e key while defusing the bomb, lagged at the critical moment. So what keeps us coming back to multiplayer games?

The purpose of this article is to think about the actual psychological effects that games have on people.At no point am I condemning gaming, as an avid gamer myself, but the truth is not always pretty.

At heart, all multiplayer games are designed around people's almost natural desire to compete. When playing against someone else, unless your just messing around (you monstrous troll!) human instinct commands that you beat that person. The reality is, if you've played for a long time and begin to consistently beat most people it becomes the norm. Messing up is something more infrequent and so much more frustrating than the amount of fun you get beating someone.

Despite that being the case, unless you (or the game) really sucks this is not going to be a regular occurance, and you may well revel in your superiority. Chances are to become good at a game you need some dedication and a certain type of competitive personality, so many players of a decent level are comparable in their attitudes. Men as a whole tend to like competing, the big, hulking ones in grassy arenas to show off their Herculean bodies and the small pale ones from the comfort of their own room, destroying with mouse and monitor. If your not really that kind of person, logic dictates you won't continue to hammer away at a game like that. But thats just not true.

People who begin to play online games often get warped. Genuinely mentally changed. Lets take World of Warcraft - how many souls have been consumed by that game? How many once outgoing people do you know who have been turned into elf-craving vampires who would sell their granny for a new steed? Well, this is achieved by a two pronged reward system.

Competitive Reward

This is the first and most obvious one. Going back to our desire to compete, we naturally feel good when we beat someone. When you start off at a game it often is that you are fairly poor, losing a lot and not really caring, and overjoyed when you do well. As you progress up the skill level, this balance slowly tips, until eventually you win most of the time, provoking little positive emotion, and lose on the occasion resulting in anger. Here it is interesting to look at another example - drugs. Often, drug users describe how in their addictions they are always seeking to replicate those first dramatic highs they got when starting out, but steadily their experience began to decline as it became more routine. Why should gaming be any different?

Often people at this point will join clans or start competing in some form of genuine competition rather than just against random people. Here the process repeats itself again - you start off rubbish compared to all the other clans and gradually work your way up. Obviously this is a slightly different case - most people can play until they dominate public servers, in competitive play there is a natural skill cap that only lets you progress so far.


Now this is where it gets interesting, where the subtlety lies. Achievements can take many forms, but they have to be something you can actually earn. For example, most Steam games have achievements, unlocked by completing a certain action or series of actions. League of Legends does this too, but has characters available to unlock and use via ingame currency. Achievements give us something meaningful to strive for, an actual reward at the end of our hard work. Of course, in actuality they mean nothing, but that is not how our body responds. When you finally get that 10000th kill in Counter Strike and your achievement pops up, in your mind for a split second the entire earth is bowing before your glory. For those who do not necessarily want to compete, or those who are just bored of owning everyone, this is the ultimate optional alternative.

Provided we have something to aim for, most people will go for it. Sure some of the crazy achievements may be out of reach for the majority but theres often lots of easier ones that anyone can get. Hell, I replayed every part of Half Life and unlocked every achievement just to prove what a cool nerd I am. You get the small ones, and then you think why can't I get the big ones? I got 10 kills why can't I get 100? Before you know it, your a gamer. Not a singleplaying patient, story loving gamer, but one who is pushing himself to gaming extremes in an impatient desire to be given your reward cookie as quickly as possible.

So we take the two and add them together. You kill and kill until killing becomes as natural and exciting as a blink of the eye, you gain unlocks/achievements that you didn't think were humanely possible in your insane desire to be told your awesome by a machine. Is it any wonder then that the upper echelons of gameplay are often a sad place? Many people will be raging before a game has even begun and the only form of real fun is to troll around. People may switch games to try and replicate those previous feelings, but sadly, often once you've gotten good at games, your just good at games. Beating people is just what you do.

That ladies and gentlemen, is a very stark look at the mechanics behind the world of online gaming. It looks depressing, but the idea isn't to make you depressed, it's to make you think. Next time your owning that noob think how he is feeling. He doesn't care, hes a noob, you don't care, your pro. But it doesn't have to be that way. Think how far you've come, remember when you were like him. Think how far you've come. The reasons behind addiction to gaming may look fairly bleak, but thats no reason not to be proud of your ability and what you are now able to do. Feel good about it. Relive those feelings once more and truely enjoy yourself, and if everyone does that, the world of gaming may just become a much better place.

Welcome to Pixels and Powerchords

Hi all,

This is the all new blog by myself, AxeC, exploring the world of gaming and music. I hope to bring you all sorts of exciting stuff - reviews on the latest games and music, walkthroughs, general mutterings and news! The music featured is mostly gonna be rock and metal, but gaming is going to be the bigger side of this blog. Some of the things I'm playing at the moment are League of Legends, Minecraft and Counter Strike: Source.

I've been playing as long as I can remember, growing up on a diet of consoles, moving onto single player pc games and finally competing in the multiplayer world. Hopefully with this background I can offer really good insight into exactly what games are cool, which really just aren't, and some advice on how you can succeed amongst the horrors of online gaming.

Hope you enjoy my blog.